One of the foundational purposes of my life is to serve God by using what He has given me to glorify Him and assist others. This seems like a lofty goal, however, there is much within me that opposes that goal and purpose. In other words, I am human and I would much rather use what I have to glorify myself and be self-serving. I am a huge opposition to myself. There are also aspects of life that come against me that temp me to move off course and chase after other goals. Finally, I experience periods when I would rather be lazy than put forth the necessary energy to glorify God and help others.
No matter how you phrase it, I am confident that each one of us desire to serve God within the capacity of the talents and resources that He has given us. The desire to serve God is not the issue because I believe that each one of us has that. However, will we push through what opposes us in order to fulfill this desire? With that in mind, this message speaks to the fact that…
Our continual service to God is continually opposed. Daniel Ch. 6
1. Our Christianity is seen as a fault by many. Daniel 6:1-9
A. Daniel’s opposition came from those who were trying to find fault in him. V. 1-4
B. The fault that they proclaimed was that he worshiped God. V. 5-9
2. Opposed Christians…
A. Don’t change course V. 10-13
A. Don’t change course V. 10-13
B. Win the respect of the opposition. V. 14-18
C. Set positive behavioral goals. V. 19-23
1. Seek to be found blameless before God.
2.Seek to be found blameless before others.
3. Trust in God.
Note: To be blameless means that no accusations will stick. In this context, the opposed do not seek revenge nor do they response irrationally to opposition.
Note: To be blameless means that no accusations will stick. In this context, the opposed do not seek revenge nor do they response irrationally to opposition.
D. Understand that the power of God will be seen through their faithful service of God in the face of extreme opposition. V. 24-28
Conclusion: Fear God and do what He says. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
“13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (ESV)
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