Generosity is not measured by amount or size, as much as it is measured by desire and willingness. When I lack generosity it usually stems from my lack of appreciation for the things that I possess or the fear that I will not have enough of whatever it is that I am asked to give. I have understood this for some time, but was it new to my understanding is taught by Paul the Apostle in 2 Corinthians chapters 8-9. Here, he teaches that generosity is the result of joy.
As we follow Jesus and see His generosity, we often make it our goal to be the same way. However, we so easily fall back into selfish patterns and the guilt of being stingy is the result. We also live in a very individualistic culture, and God intends for us to live in community. Living in community requires generosity. So why are our attempts to be generous so often fruitless? I think it is because we are trying to be generous by sheer will power. That never works. We need to understand that generosity is a result of something else. I believe that when we learn how to be filled with joy, generosity is the results. The point is, joy generates generosity.
We learn this truth as we read the Apostle Paul's second letter the Corinthians. In chapter eight he is commending the generosity of the church in Macedonia and encouraging the church in Corinth to complete their commitment to give a gift to the struggling Jerusalem church. Building upon this point, we see that generosity is not from the lack of difficulty (8:2). Joyful generosity can come in poverty and begs to be given the opportunity to help (8:26).
Moving along in chapter eight, we discover the fact that if you are connected and growing, the natural expectation is to be giving (V. 7-9). A church that is spiritually and relationally connected is a growing church. This type of church is growing in its ability to give love. This is a church that is living in the example of Jesus as generosity flows from joy.
Following Paul's encourage to complete their gift; he offers them advice in relation to being a church where joy generates generosity (10-24). First, a church to finish what it starts. It is easy to think and dream up good ideas, but a whole other idea to fight through obstacles and discouragement all the way to completion. To do this a church and its individual members is to give from they have. There is no sense waiting to give. We are to look at what God has given us and give
that away. One of the important factors in this area is that we are to give knowing that we too may one day have a need.
Therefore, be accountable for how you manage what you have been given. If Paul's instruction and advice is applied to a community, the giving church will experience two things. First and perhaps a bit too obvious is many needs will be met. Secondly, joyful thanksgiving is expressed.
So, to finish this up I
wish to ask you to a personal question. If you are not a generous person, what
is robbing you of your joy? I thing individual as well as churches go through
seasons where they lose their joy and stop giving. We fear that we will not
have enough so we turn inward. The results is a lack of ministry effectiveness.
As God reveals to us what is robbing our joy may He also restore our joy and
generate generosity.
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