As last week’s post discussed the fact that we all have a killer problem, this week we will look at the life-giving solution. The problem is sin and the reality that it has separated us from our creator and has caused much harm to lives. However, there is a life-giving solution to this killer problem. The solution is not behaviorism and some form of salvation through works. It is also not a solution based upon a combination of world philosophies and religious perspectives. This life-giving solution originated in the mind of God prior to the rebellion that caused the problem in the first place. The life-giving solution is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
His life and work are historic realities described in the Bible and colluded by other first-century historians of the Greek and Romans world. His life is not legend or myth, but history more surely known than the life of all other historic figures. More is said about Jesus than any other person in History. He and He alone has done what is necessary for humanity to reunited with its Creator and healed from the problem of sin.
The main thought of this post is the life-giving solution provided by Jesus bringing victory over our sin. First, Jesus won our victory by drying. Pause for a moment a read John chapter 12, where the Apostle John described what we now know as Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Seriously, don’t read the rest of this post before you read John 12. Did you read it? Ok, now move forward in the post.
After reading John 12, look specifically at verse 23. This verse tells us that Jesus won the victory over our sin by dying. Instead of trying to gain, He came to give. The majority of His day were literally looking to kill. They wanted a leader (Messiah) who would lead a revolt against Rome and once again establish Israel as the world leader. Jesus as He would soon say to Pilate, His kingdom was not of this world but was a spiritual kingdom instituted through His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection
Secondly, Jesus won by judging the world and casting out its ruler (John 12:31). Who is the ruler of this world being cast out by Jesus? Bible defines Satan as an angelic being who fell from his position in heaven due to sin and is now completely opposed to God, doing all in his power to thwart God's purposes. - His very name means “adversary” or “one who opposes.” Another of his titles, the devil, means “slanderer” ( Take a quick look at the following list that describes who Jesus is defeating on the cross. Satan was created as a holy angel. Isaiah 14:12 Ezekiel 28:12-14. He became arrogant wanted to sit on a throne above that of God (Isaiah 14:13-14; Ezekiel 28:15; 1 Timothy 3:6). Satan became the ruler of this world and the prince of the power of the air (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2). He is an accuser (Revelation 12:10), a tempter (Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5), and a deceiver (Genesis 3; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 20:3). Even though he was cast out of heaven, he still seeks to elevate his throne above God. He counterfeits all that God does, hoping to gain the worship of the world and encourage opposition to God's kingdom. Satan is the ultimate source behind every false cult and world religion. Satan will do anything and everything in his power to oppose God and those who follow God. However, Satan’s destiny as defeated is sealed (Revelation 20:10).
Being that Jesus has provided a life-giving solution to our killer problem, the challenge now becomes to stop giving away your victory. This necessitates a final question if Satan has been conquered by Jesus, why is he still effective? I suggest the following answers. Because like Adam and Eve, we believe his lies (Genesis 3) and because in our pride we want to be in charge of our own life. To live in the victory provided by Jesus’ death and resurrection consider the following passage of Scripture. Keep in mind that these refer to those who have placed their trust in Jesus, not those who are trying to achieve salvation through works. No one can be good enough to earn it, but after it is received, we are to live in victory. Go read 1 John 3:4-10 and 1 John 2:1-6. Just for fun, you may wish to simply read the whole epistle.
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