Saturday, November 7, 2015

God Please Show Me

I have come to accept that believing in Jesus has challenges and some work hard to overcome them but find it difficult to so. There is also the reality that by nature God is beyond our total comprehension.  By accepting this reality, I no longer make the futile attempt figure everything out or explain why God does or does act like I expect. I have seen enough in life to believe that He exists, has set up the world to operate in certain and uncertain ways, and that He unconditionally loves us. I have also come to the conclusion through a study on the available evidence that Jesus in fact did raise from the dead. And because He did so, I believe that He is exactly who and what He claimed to be. 

I don’t know why you have chosen to believe, but I would think that it has at least a little bit to do with what you have observed in life. If you have chosen to not believe in God I would make the same assumption. Our beliefs are largely shaped by what we have observed to be true by personal experience. This is why I can with a fair amount of certainty say that God will show you enough for it to be reasonable to believe. 

With this in mind may I draw your attention to the second chapter of the Gospel of John. Here John describes three different narratives that have a common thread. The common thread is that of signs that produce belief. Please pause for a moment and follow the link to read these accounts in John chapter two ( ).

Now that you have read these accounts you can see that what Jesus did gave those around Him reasons to believe in three of Christianities major beliefs. 

1. The belief that Jesus can meet needs. 2:1-11
2. The belief in the Scriptures and the words of Jesus.  2:12-22
3. The belief in the character and authority of Jesus. 2:23-25

As you reflect upon these three narratives please understand that our life is telling a story. Where are you in your own story? What experiences are you having that are shaping your beliefs? Have you seen enough to believe, or are you in the middle where the disciples were living as they walked with Jesus? They were in the position of having the words of Jesus that were yet to be fulfilled. They were not fully convinced until they saw the resurrected Christ. That means for three years they experienced Him and were not fully convinced. May we look into what hinders our belief and ask God to help us see reasons to believe. I pray that God gives you an encounter with the resurrected Christ. 

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